Monday, July 4, 1988
Mist’s Palace
Magic Island
The Bermuda Triangle
Mist sits in a large overstuffed throne on a stone balcony overlooking the sea. To his left a similar smaller chair sits empty. “I call to you now my daughter!” he bellows to the breeze. It takes only a few minutes for a graceful dove to pierce the veil that hides Magic Island from the outside world. As the bird draws closer to the balcony it is clearly larger than it should be in nature. When it arrives to flutter next to Mist over the empty chair it transforms. The large bird takes a female human form to sit in the second chair on the balcony. Her long brown hair flowing down over her shoulders, Mist’s daughter Shanna wears a blue toga style dress. “All goes as planned father,” she tells him without his asking. “The Zeni-humans emerge quicker than we expected.” “Two new ones taking the names of Fire Fly and Sub Zero are now based at the Citadel, one of my professions.”
“You have done well seeking them out and identifying which will be of use,” Mist replies looking at his child showing little emotion. “I have full faith that you will carry on perfectly once I am gone.”
“Does that time draw closer, father?” Shanna asks just as unconcerned as Mist appears to be by the seriousness of their discussion.
“For Timeless such as we, time is perceived differently and I know that it now grows short,” Mist tells his daughter. “It is time for the final trial to see if they are worthy of all my hope.” “I ask that you begin to enact my plan that will lead to the event to come.”
“Will this be the final trial, father?” Shanna asks.
“Only when he is freed back to Earth can the final trial begin,” Mist instructs her. “That time has not yet come, but should this trail go well his return will draw closer.”
“Yes, father, I shall do as you request as always,” Shanna says standing up from her chair. “How will I know if this trial has been a success?”
Mist stands to look his child in the eyes, “When they put aside their differences to work as a team,” he tells her. “This trial may continue past just this one day.” “Remember to not reveal yourself to them.” “Use another of your personas to confront them.” “Make sure they fear you.”
Without another word Shanna transforms back into the large dove to take flight. Mist watches as the bird flies into the clear blue sky to disappear again beyond the protective barrier.
Camp Tandy – The Lodge
Glassboro Township
New Jersey
At Camp Tandy the fourth of July is family day. Dona & Steven Roberts come to visit their son. Dona waits in the Lodge with the many other parents of campers. She spots Steve as he walks across the room toward her. “Mom, what are you doing here?” Steve says, giving his mother a hug as he approaches her. “Where’s Dad?”
“You know your father, he’s off catching up with some old top secret friend here somewhere,” Dona Roberts replies. “How did everything go with the Satyr?” “Is he gone?” “I brought my gear just in case you need help dispatching him.”
Steve takes a deep breath, “It took a while but he will not be a problem for anyone anymore.” “But things are very strange around here.” “I’m afraid there is going to be a lingering effect of his presence for a long time.”
“Things may appear normal but everyone whose life the Satyr touched will be affected by its influence even if they can not remember it,” Dona explains. “But don’t for a moment think that you didn’t do the right thing.” “It may be hard for them but at least they will have their freewill back.”
“Well there is also the problem of State Police Inspector Shaw who is looking for evidence to use in a court case against Coach Denmark,” Steve explains. “That’s him over there sitting in the corner trying to look inconspicuous.”
Dona Roberts gets a gleam in her eye, “He is a big hunk of man isn’t he?” she comments.
“Gross, really gross Mom,” Steve exclaims. “I’m sharing a tent with him, now every time I see him I’ll think that!” Dona grins at her son’s embarrassment. “Don’t you dare say it!”
“How’s he look in the Raw?” Dona laughs.
“Really is this why you came here?” Steve says. “This is one of the reasons why I told you to stay away when I was a kid.”
“No, I came to fill you in on Medea,” Steve’s mother says, taking him by the arm to lead him to the door. “Like I told you on the phone, I called your place from Europe to find your sister there.” “After that I decided to catch up with one of my sisters, Artemis.”
“Artemis is living in Europe?” Steve quizzes gazing across the room to Coach Barnes who is clearly eavesdropping on their conversation as she leaves the Lodge.
“Yes, in Germany of all places,” Dona replies. “When I told her what was going on and what Medea stole from the Renaissance fair, we agreed that the fact that Medea stole back the Amulet that we amazons used to imprison Orana could not be good!” Dona says. “Then Artemis filled me in on what she knew about Medea’s recent activities.” “And I told her about your conflicts with her as well.” “We couldn’t imagine that Medea would want to free Orana.” “Medea hated Orana more than we did.” “Artemis and I agreed that the only way to explain how Medea is still alive is that Medea has found a way to steal Orana’s immortality while she is imprisoned.” “That is the kind of trickery Medea was known for in the past.”
“How could she have gotten the Amulet if no one was even sure where the Amazon’s hid it?” Steve asks his mother.
“It was found by a diver in the Aegean Sea around 50 years ago,” Dona explains. “I called the museum that had placed it in storage.” “I made an appointment and went to Athens to buy it, but it had been stolen, replaced with another artifact.”
“How could she have stolen it if it was hidden away in storage for years until you had the Curator look for it?” Steve asks.
“Artemis has seen Medea do it before, a substitution spell,” Dona explains. “Using the power of one talisman to trade places with another.” “So that leaves the question, what is she going to do with it now?”
“Do you have any idea how long ago Medea stole the Amulet?” Steve questions. “Was it before what I told you what happened at Cassandra Estate Manor?” When Steve told his mother about his adventure at Cassandra Estate Manor he did not mention Christine’s involvement. He really wishes that Christine had revealed her secret about being Powersurge by now. It has become almost impossible for him not to blurt everything out now that his Mom has done so much work in finding Medea. But he will keep Christine’s secret a little longer, but not much.
“There is no way to know when she stole it,” Dona tells her son. “But be warned that if she releases Orana, we are all in danger.” “If she were to learn about you there is no doubt in my mind that she will be out to kill you.” “She has only one weakness, a curse King of Colchis, Aeetes put on her to allow us to over power her. “She loses all of her Amazon powers if her body is covered or submerged in fresh water.”
“Fresh water?” Steve repeats as they walk to the trail leading to the sports fields.
Not far from the Lodge Sylvia spots Steve walking arm in arm with a beautiful young dark haired woman. Diana hesitates making herself known. Instead she follows them as they walk along talking softly and laughing. She can’t help but to wonder if this woman is the reason Steve is so accepting of them just being friends. Sylvia spies on the couple for a time, trying to hear what they are saying. Just as she manages to get close enough to hear them, she is approached from behind by a man. Her first reaction is a defensive one until she recognizes his face. Miracle Maiden has known the man only as the Colonel for several months now.
“Colonel, I would ask what are you doing here?” Sylvia says, surprised to see the man who sent her undercover. “But I would guess it is to check up on me.”
“I thought I might offer you some more help if I could,” The Colonel tells her. “But I see you are distracted by something else.” “Who is that young man you appear so interested in spying on?”
“No one, just another Camp Counselor,” Sylvia replies, trying to cover for her own silly jealousy.
The Colonel smiles, “Well then if he is not a person of interest to you, have you found out anything else about the General?”
“Not much, but how is it that you recognized me?” Sylvia asks curious about how he saw threw her disguise as Dee Moore.
“I’m the one who created your cover identity, Miss Banks, I simply asked around for someone to point you out,” the Colonel replies. “I figured you would find a more appropriate disguise than your usual blurry face.” “I assume this is not your real face either.”
Sylvia gives him a glare, not answering his question. “Perhaps we should go somewhere a little more private.” She suggests noticing Denise’s spying eyes from the lodge.
Sylvia leads the Colonel down the path toward the lake. In her mind she continues to analyze the situation. It is not strange that Steve sees her as herself because he can no longer be tricked by the Dee Moore personal. “I have learned that Captain Mathess’ previous assignment was to spy on Carter Industries and William Carter from an office across the street.” “I don’t know how long ago or if he is still doing so, but there might be a clue there.”
“It is a good lead, probably a dead end but I will have it checked out for you,” the Colonel replies. “With Carter dead there is no reason for him still to be watching Carter Industries, but I have heard tell that you have been cleaning up the mess left behind by William Carter who was one of the General’s assets.”
“Did you know William Carter?” Sylvia can not resist asking.
“I met him once years ago, he was a good soldier, but not a nice man at all,” the Colonel answers. “How is it you became involved with what he was doing after his death?”
“His brother, Zachary asked for my help when his daughter was kidnapped by one of the General’s pawns,” Sylvia tells him, it is not a lie, but she has left out some details to keep her true identity secret.
Arriving at the sports field Steve introduces his mother to Ava Barnes without telling his mother the coach’s secret, fully expecting it to be revealed on its own. “Ava, the Field Hockey coach, I would like you to meet my mother, Dona.” Steve says, giving Coach Barnes a look.
“Step-mother, I am far from old enough to be his mother,” Dona corrects, giving her son a nudge.
Ava smiles at Steve and his mother, fully aware of what he is trying to do. “Nice to meet you, Dona is a rather unusual name.”
“Ancient Greek,” Dona replies. “It really hasn’t held up over the centuries.” “So have you and Steve been spending time together?”
Ava giggles, “Some, he is an amazing young man, but I prefer my men more mature, you might say.” “Besides, he has his eye on someone else.”
“Oh he does, does he?” Dona says, smiling at her son. “Who might that be?”
“Well Step-mom, I think we should be getting back to the lodge,” Steve says, pulling her by the arm away from the Field Hockey coach.
As they walk back up the path through the woods Dona pursues the subject, “Tell me something my love, have you even been on a date since Carol?”
“Mom, really?” Steve whines. “I have a lot on my plate right now.”
“Just because things didn’t work out with Carol doesn’t mean you should give up on love.” Dona says catching her son off guard.
“I have come to terms with the fact that Carol and I were not meant to be.” Steve answers, stopping in his tracks on the path. “I think we just moved too fast, which is something I don’t intend on doing again.” The mother and son continue to walk on the path.
“Few months back I called your place and Paddy told me you were out with someone, so I assumed it was a date, but now I wonder,” Dona says, sounding disappointed. “I just want you to be happy, to find love, I know there is the perfect woman out there for you.” “You just have to give love a chance.”
“Like I said I have a lot going on right now,” Steve repeats, starting to walk again.
“Even Superman had Lois Lane,” Dona comments following after her son. “I always thought he should be with someone stronger though.”
“Let’s just find Dad,” Steve sighs, not wanting to talk about his messed up love life with his overprotective mother.
The Colonel and Sylvia Banks walk down the lake by the swimming area. She is almost glad to see him to help her forget about seeing Steve with that other woman. “I’ve been working on another lead,” the Colonel tells her as they look out over the lake. “Turns out the General has a man working for him that I have a history with.” “I am going to try to sway him to our cause, but if I can’t I was hoping you might be able to help me convince him.”
“Are you asking me to rough a man up?” Sylvia charges.
“Not so much rough up, as sent on his way,” the Colonel replies. “He is not human and I believe I have found a way to do just that.”
“I’m not sure I completely understand what you are saying, but if it will take the General down and keep Dr. Woodlawn and his family safe, I am good with it.” Looking around the empty swimming area Sylvia realizes something. “Colonel, did you come here alone today?”
“I’d rather not discuss that, just like you would rather not answer my question about your true face,” the Colonel replies. “I should be going.” “I will keep in touch when you get back to New York City through Dr. Woodlawn.” “I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here.” “Try to take some time for yourself.” “You know what they say about all work and no play.” The Colonel begins to walk toward the path back to the lodge leaving Sylvia Banks standing at the edge of the lake alone.
“I assure you I am here strictly on this mission,” Sylvia replies.
“I sure hope not,” Colonel Roberts mumbled under his breath, unheard by the young woman. What are the odds of my son falling in love at the same place twice? He wonders in his mind as he disappears into the trees.
At the other end of the path Steve and Dona Roberts return to the lodge from the sports fields just before Steven Sr arrives alone. Inside he spots his wife and son as he crosses the large open room. “Time to go,” he announces.
“Nice to see you too, Dad,” Steve says at his father’s urging.
“No offense, son,” Steven says, giving his son a handshake and a shoulder bump. “We just need to get back to your place to pick up your sister to get to the airport by 2 pm.”
“You’re taking her home with you?” Steve sighs.
“Yes, she called last night to tell us she is bored sitting at your place alone all day,” Dona explains. “Seems her old friends are too busy to hang out as much as she expected.”
Steve loves the idea of them taking his sister home and getting her out of Philadelphia. A plane trip is just what Christine needs to tell their parents the truth. “I guess it will be nice for the three of you to catch up on the plane.”
Steve says his goodbyes to his parents at the parking lot of the lodge. Returning back into the lodge he spots Sylvia. When their eyes meet he can tell there’s something wrong. “Are you okay?” he asks, walking over to her.
“I’m fine, she replies coldly. “Just a little hormonal, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh, oh I get it,” Steve says, getting the hint that she is having her period and not feeling well.” “Funny he never considered that before in all the time he has spent with Diana. In fact he doesn’t remember her ever mentioning not feeling well for any reason. “Where have you been, I thought you might be down at the sports fields.”
“No, just took some time alone while all the parents were occupying their children,” Diana replies touching her belly. “Got some pretty bad cramps.” “Captain Mathess was a no show.” “Kind of like how my father never came when I was here.”
“Funny thing is my parents were here, you just missed them,” Steve grins. “Guess it is for the best, my mother would have just given you the third degree.”
Once the elder Roberts are back in their rental car and on the road to Pennsylvania Dona turns to her husband. “What was that all about?” “You know our plane isn’t until four.”
“I needed to get you some distance from the camp,” her husband replies. “I’m going to violate my own rules by telling you who I have been working with on my business trips.”
“Well that will be a first,” Dona replies showing little interest in her husband’s post retirement mission. “I’m sure it must be of little importance if you are going to break your oath for the first time.”
“I came to meet with her today at Camp Tandy,” Steven says. “The only name I know her by is Miracle Maiden.”
“What!?” Dona exclaims, grabbing her husband’s arm causing him to swerve. “Miracle Maiden was at Camp Tandy!” “Does this mean that it is happening?”
“It means that she was giving you the stink eye when you and Steve were walking arm in arm toward the trails,” Steven says. “I also knew it would be hard for you not to interfere.”
Dona sides back in her seat crossing her arms over her chest. “You don’t think they know the truth about each other.” “I have kept this secret for centuries!” “It is just a relief that it is almost here.” “So tell me what is she like?” “Did she mention Steve at all?”
“Miracle Maiden is a professional, she and I speak only about the case,” Steven replies. “But I can tell she is very intelligent and dedicated.” “Powerful as well, I’ve seen her do things I don’t even think Steve can do.”
“That is why they will be so good together, they complement each other,” Dona affirms. “Like we do.” “If she was jealous of me walking with Steve then she must not know who I am yet.” “But I am still sure that will change soon.”
At the campfire after dinner Steve gets Ava alone to ask, “How is it my Mom didn’t get the amazon tingle around you the way I did the first time?”
“You forget I am half god, I can cloak myself if I know there is an amazon around,” she tells him. “And thanks for not telling her who I really am.” “I heard her mention my mother’s name, so I was afraid you might have said something.”
“I don’t know what the problem is with your mother, but I would not make it worse,” Steve tells his new friend. “I met Artemis a few years ago and she seemed perfectly fine with me being a male amazon, almost happy to meet me,” Steve tells Ava.
“I find that hard to believe,” Ava replies. “Growing up she was a hard taskmaster.”
“As was mine,” Steve responds. “How long ago was it that you saw your mother?”
“Nearly two hundred and fifty years,” Ava answers after a few minutes of thought.
Steve is shocked by the answer, that he knows really shouldn’t surprise him at all. “People, even amazons can change a lot in that long of a time.” “You should really give her a chance, try to make amends.” “I’ve got some work to do at the fireworks set up so I’ll see you later.”
Philadelphia Elite Squad office
1st precinct
Philadelphia, Pa
“Have you found anything yet?” Detective Berger asks his partner as he returns to the Elite Squad room. “All David Rogers could tell me was that his Uncle Joe took off after Gary left for college in Ohio.” “Have you found anything the hard way?”
“I found some questionable facts about the death of his third wife,” Officer Maguire replies. “Jillian Rogers, multiple drunk and disorderly arrests before she became Gary’s nanny.” “By all accounts she was something of a party girl, stripper, perhaps prostitute.”
“How did she die?” Detective Berger questions.
“Originally it was thought to be an accidental overdose,” Maguire explains. “Farther investigation revealed that she had been raped and drugged intentionally.” “It was one of the first rape cases taken to trial using DNA evidence to identify the rapist.”
“And the rapist was?” Paddy asks fully expecting the obvious answer and a suspicious cover up.
“A co-worker of Joseph Rogers was identified as the rapist,” Maguire reveals. “When the Montgomery County D.A. began their investigation more victims of the rapist were found and came forward to testify.”
“The name of the rapist that you are holding back for suspense is?” Paddy grins.
“You are going to love this, Evin Crow was his name,” Craig Maguire smiled. “Although he was convicted, he died in a prison fight years ago not long after going to prison.” “His body was cremated.”
“As in Dr. Crow?” “So where does that leave us?” Detective Berger inquires.
“Can’t find a connection to the mysterious doctor.” “But Joseph Rogers claimed Crow’s cremated remains,” Officer Maguire tells him. “Special documents must be filled out to mail said remains.” “Rogers sent them to his cousin in Lincoln, Nebraska.”
“Lincoln, Nebraska?” “What the hell for?” Paddy exclaims.
That was my question too,” Craig replies.
Camp Tandy – Boy’s campsite 5
Glassboro Township
New Jersey
It has been a long day and after all of the boys in his charge are in their tents asleep, Steve makes his way to the bathhouse for a hot shower. As he undresses Steve thinks how all things considered this has been a wonderful stay at Camp Tandy. The high point being the time he has gotten to spend with Diana even if in the end all they can be is friends.
He also has made a new friend in Asuma, who is almost like family. He wonders how many other amazons and children of amazon there really still are in the world that he doesn’t know about. Perhaps even another man like him. The hot water on his neck feels good, but even hotter water like he has at home would feel better.
Man, home, he thinks. How big of a mess has Powersurge left for me there. He starts to lather up his body and his mind goes back to Diana as it usually does when he is alone touching himself. Leaning back against the wall to brace, Steve opens his eyes. He is startled when he realizes he is no longer in the bath house shower. He is still in a shower but it is not the cinder block and wood framed stalls of Camp Tandy! Quickly rinsing off soapy body, he turns off the water. Grabbing for a towel that hangs on a rail on the wall outside the shower, he scans the room. It is an extravagantly decorated bathroom with gold fixtures and marble floors.
There is no sign of his clothes that he brought from his tent anywhere. Steve is left with no other choice than to touch his ear stud to trigger his change to Master Warrior if he does not want to continue to investigate nude.
Camp Tandy – Girl’s Campsite 2
Glassboro Township
New Jersey
It has been a strange day for Sylvia. She lays on her cot trying to go to sleep, but thoughts of Steve with that woman keep creeping into her mind. She has no right to be jealous, they both agreed to be just friends. The fact that he might have a girlfriend should make her happy. At least he isn’t a total jerk leading her on and two timing both of them.
Maybe she should try to concentrate on why she came back to Camp Tandy originally. Some of the things the Colonel said were odd though. He was almost trying to insert himself into her life. He never seemed to be that type before, why the change? Then there is the only lead she has gotten on the General from a twelve year old camper. A girl who has now appeared to vanish off the face of the Earth. There is no way anyone could have known what Lori had learned in her dreams about Captain Mathess. If they did, why would anyone believe Lori?
That kid Avery Lewis claims to be the last one to see Lori before she disappeared. He seems to have formed quite a bond with Steve. When I asked Steve if he believed Avery’s story he said he did. Now she has to wonder if she can even believe that with the arrival of this mystery girlfriend. Shit, how did she get back to that? Looking over at Denise’s cot, it is empty as usual. Wonder who she’s messing around with tonight? “NO!” she grumbles to herself in the dark tent.
Switching on the light she gets up to gather a change of clothes and her shower bag. A nice cold shower will take her mind off of all of this! Walking across the open space between the tents and the bathhouse Sylvia notices something moving in the trees. Probably just a deer, she thinks. Then the thought of Mr. Zipp pops into her mind. “NO!” she says out loud again. When did her life become so complicated?
The bathhouse is empty as expected this time of night. Getting undressed and into the shower Sylvia lets the cold water wash over her body. Cold is the one thing that nullifies her powers and in a way it makes her feel more normal. The water isn’t cold enough to completely remove her powers but she can feel the charge of the bio-energy inside of her dim a little. Leaning her head back under the water she again thinks of how warm she is in Steve’s arms. The smell of his Old Spice and Irish Spring skin. The sound of his voice when he says her name, Diana. She cups her breasts as the cold water makes her nipples erect. Squeezing her thighs tight together she can feel the sensation building.
“NO!” she tells herself for a third time. Then she realizes that perhaps a release is what she needs to finally put these thoughts about a man she doesn’t even know if she can trust out of her mind. As Sylvia clears her mind, she opens her eyes to make the same discovery Steve made only moments ago, she is no longer at Camp Tandy. Grabbing a towel to wrap herself in she jumps out of the glass block shower surround. Where the hell am I? is the question first in her mind. Surely this is not something the General could do, but what about Mr. Zipp?
Then there comes a knock on the door, “Hello?” a voice says from the other side. “Is there anyone in there?”
She has no intention of opening this door wearing only a towel. Looking around the lavish bathroom there is not so much as a robe to be found. She is left with no choice but to change to Miracle Maiden to let her deal with this problem. Opening the door she is shocked to see who is standing on the other side. “Showboat, what are you doing here?”
Master Warrior is just as surprised to see her as she is to see him. He runs his hand back through his thick hair to reply, “I’m not sure, is this your suite?”
“Suite?” Miracle Maiden replies. Master Warrior backs away from the door allowing her to step into the large bedroom. There are several suitcases on the floor and clothing hanging in a doorless closet. She walks to the closet, the clothes are from a high end, expensive designer she knows from New York, Dragonfly. “No, I’m not even sure how I got here.”
“Me either, come out here have a look,” Master Warrior says leading her out of the bedroom to the main room of the suite. It is large and expansive with several seating areas and a bar area. “Someone is definitely staying here.” “There is men’s clothing in the other bedroom.” “One minute I was taking a shower where I was and the next I was here.”
“Me too,” Miracle Maiden replies, investigating the room. “Strange that we should both get here the same way at the same time.” “Any idea where we are?”
“If you take a look out the window I’m sure you’ll make the same conclusion I did,” Master Warrior says, holding open the curtain as she walks over to him.
“Las Vegas,” Miracle Maiden comments. “Why would someone bring us here…together?”
“What makes you think it was a person that brought us here?” he asks.
“How else could we have got here?” she questions. “I’ve seen a lot of weird shit and usually someone is behind it.” Miracle Maiden walks back into the room wondering how much a room like this runs a night and when they are coming back. “How do you think we got here?”
“Could just be magic,” Master Warrior replies in a serious tone. “Have you come into contact with any old or strange artifacts recently?”
Miracle Maiden gives him a look of disbelief. “That kind of thing happens to you a lot?”
“On occasion,” he says, “How did you get to Zeeza?”
“It was the person who sent me there,” she reveals. “What about you?”
“Same,” he tells her as he notices some papers on the desk. “It would appear whoever the couple is staying in this suite are fans of ours.” Miracle Maiden walks over to him to look through the papers on the desk. There are several newspaper articles and clippings about Master Warrior and Miracle Maiden. And there are photos that have never been published, that neither of them has seen before.
“Who could have taken these?” Miracle Maiden queries looking over the photos. “I remember exactly where these photos were taken and I have no memory of anyone with a camera in the vicinity.”
“My guess is a telephoto lens was used,” Master Warrior comments. “This one was taken of me while I was inside a high-rise.” The photo of Master Warrior was taken on his first trip to see his old friend Pete Stapleton at the Philadelphia Bulletin. “No one could have possibly known I was going to be there at that moment.” Flipping threw the rest of the photos of which there are about fifty he comments, “Just be glad we aren’t nude.” “I had a case not long ago where an artist was sketching nude portraits of me that I never posed for in reality.” “He claimed to have dreams of me and some other people.”
“What became of those sketches?” Miracle Maiden asks. “Those could be rather valuable to the right person.”
She doesn’t know the half of it. “They were destroyed in an accident,” Master Warrior replies. “I never fully believed the dream story, but none of these photos are anything like those sketches.” “Do you recognize any of them?”
Miracle Maiden looks through the photos, thankful that she had her necklace before her costume because there are some photos from when she first returned home from Magic Island. One of them from that sad hold-up at McDonald’s years ago. “I agree, some of these photos would have been impossible to take without me knowing.”
“I have to tell you I have been having something of a sparring match with a sorceress of late and this could possibly be her,” Master Warrior confesses. “A few months back she managed to draw my sister and I into somewhat of a trap using magic similar to how we got here.”
“MAGIC?” Miracle Maiden repeats. Some of the things she has seen Mist and Shanna do could easily be called magic, but she always thought of them as being more like Zeni-human powers like her own. “Surely in the past to some people, what we could do would be considered magic.”
“That is true, but people who can manipulate magic forces are in a different class than us,” Master Warrior explains. “Kind of like buying a cake and baking a cake.” “What they can do is limited only by their knowledge of the craft.” “Often it is very unpredictable, not governed by the same rules as our powers.”
“That aside, what do we do just wait for that Sorceress to show up and attack us?” Miracle Maiden quips.
“That would not be a good idea,” Master Warrior asserts. “If this is Medea’s doing it would be best if we try to stay one step ahead.” “I don’t sense any immediate danger here, but that could change quickly, so I think we should get out of here and try to figure out why we have been brought here.”
“Don’t you think we would draw some attention dressed like this?” Miracle Maiden suggests.
“I was thinking we could see if any of the clothing in these rooms fit over our uniforms,” Master Warrior tells her. “Borrow it until we figure out what is going on.” Returning to their respective bedrooms the two heroes peruse the clothing hanging in the closets.
Miracle Maiden tries to estimate the cost of each of the garments hanging in the hotel suite’s closet. There is easily 2 million dollars in designer clothes, from evening gowns to sportswear. All of them with the brand tag, Dragonfly. She feels uncomfortable just taking the expensive clothing, but what other choice does she have, revealing her true identity to this Showboat. Clearly he has no desire to do the same with her. So many of the dresses hanging on one side of the closet would show too much of her form-fitting costume to work on this occasion.
Then she finds an ankle length purple dress that has a neckline that falls above the laces on the front of her costume. Trying it on, it even has long lace sleeves that stop at the shoulder to hide the rest of her costume top. Looking over herself in the mirror, it is a perfect fit. Almost as if she had picked it out herself for this purpose.
When Miracle Maiden returns to the main suite, Master Warrior stands with his back to her in front of a mirror on the wall. He is dressed in a black tuxedo and is fumbling with a bow tie. “Need help with that?” she asks, not sure why.
“No, I’ve got it,” Master Warrior replies, turning around. He holds open the tuxedo jacket to say, “It is weird, my build makes me a tough fit in formal wear, but this fits perfectly, even over my vest.” “Whoever this Dragonfly designer is, I might look into buying one of these monkey suits.”
“I must admit you do clean up well,” Miracle Maiden says, straightening his tie. “As a New Yorker I know Dragonfly Designs.” “Julia Dragonfly to be precise, she came on the fashion scene about 15 years ago.” Made her way to the top of the Design world rather quickly.” “The amount of her clothing line in this suite could easily be in the millions of dollars.” “Whoever is staying in this suite is not a run of the mill fan.” “They are either rich or have an inside connection to Dragonfly Designs.”
“So you think we should have a talk with this Julia Dragonfly,” Master Warrior asks, handing her a fashion show brochure. “It is being held at the Sands main banquet room.” Master Warrior holds up a monogrammed ashtray from the end table. “Looks like we are already there.”
The Warehouse Apartments
Carol Lopez’s Loft
9 N 9th St,
Philadelphia, Pa
“Thank you for helping us,” Detective Berger says as the Assistant District Attorney invites them into her Loft.
“I spoke with my father about his time at the Montgomery Co. prosecutors office,” A.D.A. Carol Lopez tells them as she closes the door. “He remembers the Crow case.” “It was a weird one.” “The evidence was undeniable but Crow denied his guilt throughout the trial.” “Not only was it the one of the first trials where DNA was admitted but there were 10 women that testified to being drugged and raped by him.” “My father said Crow was the strangest defendant he had ever seen.” “The guy just sat in the courtroom the whole time grinning like he was loving every minute.” “It was like he was having all of his proudest accomplishments in life read aloud to be praised.” “But never once did he admit guilt.”
“We have both read over the transcripts of the trial, the thing we can’t figure out is what happened at the prison,” Detective Berger explains.
“My father was working on a follow up team when Crow was killed,” Carol reveals. “He went to Graterford to identify the body for court records.” “He was told it was like Crow had incited the other inmates in his cell block to attack him.” “The guards that witnessed the attack did little to stop it.” “But the reports were that Crow laughed the entire time the ten other inmates were stabbing him to death.”
“What about after?” Officer Maguire asks, “Did your father know anything about the claim of the body?”
“Yes, it was only hours after Crow was pronounced dead that Joe Rogers called the D.A.’s office wanting to see the body.” “Not a strange request, many times family members of a victim want to see the attacker dead.” “Joe Rogers was different.” “He never once showed any emotion for the loss of his wife through the trial.” “My father was the one to accompany Rogers to the prison to view the body.” “Strangely Rogers wanted to see more than Crow’s face.” “He pulled the sheet completely off of the body to reveal the many stab wounds.” “Then he began to cry.” “He also presented legal documents to my father to claim Crow’s remains.” “Something very unusual, the documents were even signed by Crow.”
“Did your father say anything about instructions on those documents telling Rogers what to do with the remains?” Detective Berger asks.
“He didn’t mention any,” Carol replies. “Why, do you know what Rogers did with Crow’s remains?”
“He sent them to his cousin in Lincoln, Nebraska,” Officer Maguire answers.
“Crow’s cousin?” Carol questions.
“No, Rogers’s cousin,” Maguire answers. “That is what makes it so strange.” “We were wondering if Joe Rogers somehow owed something to Crow.”
“You mean that the two conspired to kill Jillian Rogers?” Carol suggests.
“Joe and Evin did work together and were known to spend time drinking together,” Detective Berger adds. “It could be possible that they got rid of Jillian together.” “Using Crow’s own activity history to drive the case home.”
“But that would mean Crow knew he would die in prison,” Carol concludes. “Why would he allow himself to be caught and sent away to die?”
“All good questions we need answers to,” Berger agrees. “Problem is Rogers is missing, our only lead is this cousin in Nebraska.” “Thank you again for your help Carol.”
The Detective shakes the A.D.A. Lopez’s hand as the move to leave her loft. She pulls him closer to ask softly, “How is Steve doing?”
Paddy isn’t sure what she has in mind but he replies, “He is doing good, actually seeing a woman in New York.”
“Oh,” Carol says with a sad look on her face as she releases his hand. “That is good, glad to hear it.” “Have you met her?”
“No, no I haven’t,” Paddy tells her, making her appear happier. “He took her to an old friend’s wedding in NYC.” “She is real if that is what you are thinking.” “Well, we need to go.” Following Maguire to the door he regrets what he said at the end.
Sands Hotel and Casino
3355 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Paradise, Nevada
Backstage at the fashion show, Julia Dragonfly known by most simply as Dragonfly directs her models with strong intent. She is a tall thin woman in her late thirties with dark hair wound messily into a ball on the back of her head. She makes final adjustments to the garments she has designed on the models. Tugging a collar it seems to stretch and reshape into something different. On another model her touch makes the hue of a dress change to better match the girl’s eyes. Most of the models are so aggravated by the designer that they do not notice what she is doing.
A couple dressed in Dragonfly’s creations slips into the backstage prep area using passes they found in the Hotel room. They blend in almost looking like models themselves. That is until Dragonfly herself spots them. She quickly puts aside her model preparations to turn her attention to her two honored guests. Hurrying over to the man and woman dressed to the 9s, “Oh I am so honored that you have come to my show,” Dragonfly tells them.
“Do you have any idea who we are?” Master Warrior asks bluntly.
“Of course I do,” Dragonfly responds, taking Master Warrior by the arm. “I am the one who invited you here.” She begins to lead them to a door that exits the backstage area to the audience floor.
Miracle Maiden is clearly disturbed as she follows behind Master Warrior and Dragonfly. “The way we arrived here was far from a standard invitation,” She explains. “How exactly did you ‘invite’ us here?”
Dragonfly leaves the couple at the front row of the audience and quickly returns to her duties backstage. “What do you make of that?” Miracle Maiden asks Master Warrior as they take their seats.
“I can explain that later, after the show,” she says, taking them into the crowded banquet room. “I’ve reserved you both seats in the front row.”
“She seems very nice,” Master Warrior answers.
“A little too nice, if you ask me,” Miracle Maiden replies as she scans the room. “Somehow bringing us both here the way she did, it is not an invitation, it is a kidnapping.”
“Clearly she has some kind of strong power, or knows someone who does,” Master Warrior suggests. “We can’t jump the gun.” “It is best if we play along until we figure out what is going on here.” “I don’t know if you noticed, she said she knew who we were but did not call us by name.”
“Could be she only recognizes the clothing she left for us,” Miracle Maiden suggests. “We really can’t be sure whose face she sees when she looks at us, can we?”
“So, we sit here, enjoy a fashion show and find out what is really going on after,” Master Warrior says as the MC begins his announcements.
They sit quietly together on the folding chairs, their thighs touching in the close quarters. His leg is like a tree trunk she thinks as the first model tromps onto the runway in front of them. It is rather warm in the room full of people, even as the air conditioning kicks on to blow down on them from the ceiling.
Master Warrior’s broad shoulders are a tight fit in the small spacing of the chairs. He lifts his arm over his head, “Do you mind?” he asks as he moves his arm behind Miracle Maiden.
“If you must,” she replies. Now she sits with her shoulder under his armpit. His hand resting on the back of her chair she can feel the gauntlet under the sleeve of his jacket on the back of her shoulder. It actually isn’t so bad, he doesn’t smell of sweat, or anything gross. He smells somehow familiar to her.
“I’ve never been to anything like this before,” he tells her.
“Me either,” she responds looking to the side of his blurry face.
“Are you this cold with everyone or just me?” Master Warrior asks, as he smiles at one of the models even though he knows she can’t see his face clearly.
“Well let’s see I’m sitting here with a Macho Showboat with his arm around me, trying to make small talk.” Miracle Maiden replies. “What a lucky girl I am.”
Master Warrior lifts his arm from her chair to slide back so his shoulders are behind the row of folding chairs. “I am not a Macho Showboat, I don’t understand why you think that of me.”
“The way you dress for one,” she whispers. “Running around with your hairy six pack abs hanging out, who are you trying to impress anyway.”
“I am not trying to impress anyone, the vest needs to make contact with my body to work,” Master Warrior answers defensively. “Sorry, if my belly offends you.” “Do you think I need a big gold belt to cover my belly?” Clearly a dig at Miracle Maiden’s costume. “You seem to think I’m the kind of vain guy that spends all of his free time at the gym lifting weights and posing in the mirror, you couldn’t be more wrong!” “What I look like is all in my genetic makeup.” “Even if I did workout every day, no gym would have the weights I would need to build muscle.” “You aren’t exactly Miss Modesty in the outfit you wear.”
Miracle Maiden thinks over what Master Warrior has said as they sit quietly through the rest of the fashion show. She didn’t really choose her costume, Shanna did. But the reason she hasn’t changed is because all of her family and friends know that Diana Carter would not wear such a revealing outfit. It is the perfect dodge, even if it makes her self-conscious sometimes. She never considered that Master Warrior might be doing the same thing.
After the fashion show the couple head backstage to find Dragonfly again. Standing back away from the crowd of adoring fans congratulating the designer, Miracle Maiden asks, “Do you dress like this when you are not, you know?”
“I wish,” Master Warrior replies. “Like I said I am usually a hard fit, spending this much money on a suit that doesn’t fit right is a waste of money on my income.”
“No, that isn’t what I mean, running around shirtless in those tight pants?” she clarifies.
“Sometimes, at the beach or the pool,” he answers. “Don’t get me wrong I am not ashamed of my body but I don’t go around flaunting it in my normal life.” “Part of keeping this secret is not drawing attention to yourself on a daily basis.” “I’m sure you can understand that too.”
Miracle Maiden can’t help but to feel a little ashamed for the way she has treated him. It is then that the flamboyant Dragonfly approaches them.
She instantly takes Master Warrior by the arm asking, “How did you enjoy my little show?”
DeScalo Estate
Ridley Park
South Philadelphia, Pa
Paddy Berger has been to the DeScalo Estate previously, that time was as uncomfortable as this one. The two policemen enter Nicholas DeScalo’s study that has clearly been renovated since Paddy’s last visit. The door is closed behind them by the younger DeScalo brother, Atlas, who remains standing by the entrance.
“How surprising to see you again, Officer Berger,” Nicholas DeScalo says standing behind his desk as they enter. “What has your roomie been up to lately?”
Paddy ignores the thug’s question, “It is Detective now.” “This is Officer Maguire.”
“Oh congratulations then, Detective,” DeScalo says sarcastically. “Please gentlemen take a seat.” “What brings you to darken my doorstep today?”
Officer Maguire sits quietly as Detective Berger remains standing to confront the local crime figure. “I am not fooled by your naive posture.” “You know full well that I was promoted to Detective, as well as the unit I work in.” “I also know how you have changed your business model from what your father was doing.” Nicholas DeScalo leans back in his chair with a smug look on his face. “If there is one man in this city that is on top of Zeni-human activity it is you.”
A wide grin on his face DeScalo leans forward to glare at the seated policeman who has remained silent. “Tell me, Officer Maguire, how is it I feel about your partner’s accusations?”
Maguire is shocked by DeScalo’s questions. Not answering, he looks at Paddy. “So what is it, denial or boasting?” Detective Berger queries. “I spotted your brother over there in lock-up a few months ago.” “Couldn’t figure out how that could happen.” “Your father would have never let that happen.” “I later heard that he was sent over to Jefferson for a blood test.”
“Yes, little bro, Atlas got picked up for DUI,” Nicholas replies, glaring at his brother standing by the door. “I don’t have the time to watch him as closely as my father did apparently.”
“Imagine that,” Detective Berger replies, glancing over at the man at the door. “I did some follow up on Atlas’ visit.” “While he was at the hospital he wandered off to a restricted area.” “A V.I.P. Ward where a prisoner was being held for my unit.” Berger walks over to Atlas to ask him directly, “Did you have any contact with Gary Rogers?”
“Never heard of him,” Atlas DeScalo answers. “You must have missed the part about me being drunk.” “Barely, remember my trip to the Hospital.”
Detective Berger turns back to Nicholas to charge, “I can continue on this line of questioning at the station to find out why your brother was really at the hospital or you can tell me what you know about Gary Rogers.”
An angry Nicholas DeScalo glares at the Detective before finally answering, “For one thing he grew up with your roomie.” “Rather odd coincidence, wouldn’t you say?” “At any rate the whole Dr. Crow aspect of the creation of ‘Supreme Warrior’ was more my father’s kind of thing.”
“How could you possibly know anything about Dr. Crow?” Officer Maguire inquires.
DeScalo simply smiles sitting back in his chair. “So I was right, you have been gathering information on Zeni-humans.” “Do you truly believe this can’t end better than your father’s dabbling?” “You are playing with fire!”
“I assure you Detective, I have no plan to end up like my father,” Nicholas says. “I, shall we say, deal only with people I have fully vetted.”
“Very well then, what did your father know about Dr. Crow?” Berger questions.
“Hummff, Crow is a legend that has legs,” Nicholas replies. “The legend of Dr. Crow in Ohio may be a localized one, but there are others worldwide.” “The legend of Dr. Crow spans centuries.” “Most recently one of the cult leader in Lincoln, Nebraska.” “My father approached the man calling himself Crow, the immortal.” “His group ‘The Clan of the Immortal’ started small in 1980 like most do.” “My father investigated the Crow, but could not uncover the secret of the cult leader.” “Or the meaning of any of his mysticism.”
“Get all of that Craig?” Paddy says.
“All of it,” Officer Maguire reports looking up from his notebook.
“Thank you for your help, Mr. DeScalo,” Detective Berger tells the man behind the desk.
The two men turn to leave passing by Atlas at the door. “I’ll be careful of what you get yourself into, if I were you.” “I wouldn’t trust my brother to get me out of it when it hits the fan.”
Once in the car outside Maguire comments, “1980, that is too much of a coincidence.”
“My thoughts exactly, the same year Julian Rogers died that Evin Crow surfaced in the same town Joe sent his ashes,” Detective Berger relates.
Sands Hotel and Casino
Suite 430
3355 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Paradise, Nevada
Dragonfly takes the couple back to the suite in which they originally appeared. “I assume it is not necessary for me to tell the two of you to make yourselves at home,” Dragonfly says walking to the bar to fix herself a cocktail. “After all you have both chosen one of my garments to wear.” “Can I fix anyone a drink?”
“No thank you,” Miracle Maiden replies. “We are not here to drink.”
“So it was you that brought us here?” Master Warrior interjects. “How exactly did you do that?”
“I would like to know, why?” Miracle Maiden questions walking over to the bar area.
Dragonfly grins as she pours three Martinis into glasses from a clear glass pitcher adding an olive to each. Picking up one of the drink glasses she struts between the two well dressed heroes replying, “Help yourselves,” “There is nothing like a good Martini after a hard day.
The couple look at each other in dismay at her arrogance. “Are you going to answer our questions?” Master Warrior demands.
“The least the two of you could have done was have a drink with me before I explain why you are here,” Dragonfly says finishing her first Martini. Strutting back to the bar between them she brushes each of their shoulders momentarily. “In the past ten years I have lied, cheated and stolen to make my way to the top of the design world.” “I have money, fame, and glory.” “But each of you has something I still want.” Dragonfly turns her back to her guests to pour herself another Martini.
“What could we possibly have that you could want or that we could give,” Miracle Maiden says as she goes to step closer to the designer. To her surprise she finds she cannot move. The dress she wears has somehow suddenly gotten tighter restricting her movement completely.
“What is wrong?” Master Warrior asks, trying to help his immobile partner to find he is also a prisoner of the suit he wears. “What the hell!” “What is happening?” The legs of the tuxedo he wears weave together making it impossible for him to take a step.
“I have full control of all of my designs,” Dragonfly tells them proudly as the fabric of their attire reconfigures itself to bind them more completely. Sleeves weave into the sides of the garments.
Miracle Maiden’s dress coils tightly around her legs, barely allowing her to stand. She knows that she can easily phase through it but instead plays along to discover the truth of Dragonfly’s actions. “Is this your plan, to hold us captive until we give you whatever it is you want?” Miracle Maiden asks, trying to balance herself like a mermaid on land.
“Who said anything about giving, I am simply going to take what I want from the both of you,” Dragonfly grins. Master Warrior remains silent as the designer monologues. He has already hatched a plan in his mind. “For instance your necklace, you truly do under use its power!” “With its power I would conceal more than just my face!” “I would use it to become a ruler!” Then she turns to Master Warrior who has already planned his escape. “And from you I want immortality to rule forever.”
Master Warrior is shocked by Dragonfly’s statement. “I have no idea what you are talking about, how could I possibly make you immortal?”
Dragonfly’s billowing laughter fills the suite at his question. “I want your jewels as well!” “Do you think I don’t know what you are?” “An old friend filled me in all about you.” “Perhaps you remember Cynthia Steele?” “She may be too afraid to come after you again, but I have no fear.” “I will drain every last drop of what I need from you to be an immortal ruler!”
“Whatever on Earth she is talking about I have heard enough,” Miracle Maiden says as she reduces her body’s cellular density to phase through the designer dress. To her surprise nothing happens. “What is going on?” she blurts out.
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me Dear, I have full control of my designs,” Dragonfly sneers. “Even to the point of allowing them to counteract your powers.” Then she reaches out for the gold and ruby necklace around Miracle Maiden’s throat. There is a sound like a crack of thunder and Dragonfly is thrown across the room the moment her fingers touch the necklace. There is the crash of breaking glass as the designer crashes through the glass doors to the balcony.
“What the hell was that?” Master Warrior asks his hand visibly moving under the tight resistant fabric of his suit.
“I don’t know, it has never done that before,” Miracle Maiden replies just as surprised as anyone else.
“Well I suggest we take this opportunity,” Master Warrior tells her as the blade of a golden knife slides through the side of his suit. Holding the blade at his waist he sides it up across his chest to release himself from Dragonfly’s trap. Quickly slicing the rest of the suit off he moves to cut open the side or the dress that holds Miracle Maiden captive.
“What was she talking about immortality?” Miracle Maiden asks as Master Warrior cuts away the last of the strange fabric.
“I have no idea, I suggest we not waste any time trying to figure it out,” Master Warrior says, trying to change the subject. The turn to the balcony door where Dragonfly was thrown. “Shit!”
“Where did she go?” Miracle Maiden shouts running across the room. As they arrive on the balcony they can see that Dragonfly has sprouted wings like her namesake. She appears unsteady as she begins to descend in the evening sky of the Vegas strip.
“Come on!” Master Warrior shouts grabbing Miracle Maiden around her back under her arm to jump over the rail into the sky.
What the hell are you doing, Showboat?” Miracle Maiden shouts, elbowing him in the ribs. Caught off guard by her reaction, Master Warrior loses his grip and she plummets toward the street below. Before Master Warrior can reach to save her, Miracle Maiden vanishes.
On the street near where they saw Dragonfly go down Miracle Maiden reappears. Miracle Maiden is still annoyed by the Showboat’s assumption that she couldn’t get to the street on her own. She looks back over her shoulder to see him descending toward her. “What the hell was that?” Master Warrior asks as his feet touch the pavement.
“My own way of getting to the street and it was quicker than yours,” she replies. “Now where did she go?”
The Rapture Club
2979 S Sammy Davis Jr Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada
Master Warrior and Miracle Maiden walk down the street away from the Vegas strip where there are several smaller clubs. The two brightly costumed heroes go unnoticed on the less well lit street. Not far from where they believe Dragonfly went down their attention is drawn by the noise of the Rapture Club. As they draw closer Miracle Maiden can see a large crowd of oddly costumed people. It quickly becomes clear to them that The Rapture Club is a “New Wave” nightclub.
“It would be the perfect place for Dragonfly to hide,” he suggests “Donde aquí para la fiesta” Master Warrior says to the doorman.
“You speak Spanish?” Miracle Maiden questions.
“I speak eight languages currently,” he replies. “Everytime I learn a new one, the next one gets easier.”
“Quite the renaissance man,” she reluctantly smiles at him for the first time.
“Surprised to see that I have a brain too?” Master Warrior questions as they enter the club.
“Touche`,” Miracle Maiden replies.
They make their way inside and easily lose themselves in the crowd, going totally unnoticed. “Looks like our kind of place,” Master Warrior jokes at how this is the only place they don’t look out of place. They scan the crowd looking for any sign of the Dragonfly. Without realizing it Master Warrior follows Miracle Maiden onto the dance floor just as Madonna’s “Into the Groove” begins to play.
On the tightly crowded dance floor Miracle Maiden turns around beginning to sway and move her shoulders. “We should dance,” she says to Master Warrior. “Come on Showboat show me what you’ve got.”
“What are you talking about?” he says, feeling the urge to do as she suggests. “We need to keep looking.” Miracle Maiden begins to move to the music, she is a good dancer and Master Warrior feels his own body begin to move to the music. Soon they are pushed up against each other as the music gets louder. Her hands pressed against his chest, Master Warrior suddenly realizes something. He begins to scan the room as she puts her arms around his waist. It takes him only a few seconds to spot Cameron Pike standing on one of the balconies over the dance floor. He smiles down at them.
Master Warrior takes Miracle Maiden by her forearms to break the embrace she has put on him. “Stop, we are not alone,” he tells her.
She smiles at him, “For the first time in my life I don’t care.” She continued to dance in front of him almost like she was trying to seduce him.
“No, there is someone else here with powers that can lower your inhibitions,” Master Warrior explains. “He thinks he is having fun with us, but he is really putting us in danger.” “Dragonfly could have used her powers to camouflage herself in this crowd. Ambushing us will be easy if we continue like this!” Master Warrior explains. “We need to get Dragonfly to let her guard down.”
Miracle Maiden eyes Master Warrior as he continues to dance as he argues. The song is Vanity 6. He isn’t one of her favorites but she does like this song, maybe he is right she thinks, why else would she be feeling this way. Her eyes move around the room to see if he is right. She spots the man on the balcony. “What is Cameron Pike doing here?” she whispers.
“You know Cameron Pike?” Master Warrior questions as he begins to dance again.
“What do you know about him?” Miracle Maiden replies putting her hands on his shoulders as she wiggles her hips to the beat.
“I know he has god-like powers but I don’t know the extent of them,” Master Warrior answers.
“So do you think he is involved with this thing with Dragonfly?” Miracle Maiden asks. “I mean how would she know anything about my necklace?” “Who was that Cynthia Steed, she mentioned?”
“Steele, Cynthia Steele,” Master Warrior mumbles under his breath. The name still sends a chill up his spine even though he has no memory of her attack on him. But this is not the first time to focus on her, even though someone with a connection to that witch has come after him. “Someone I rather not talk about right now.”
After several songs the music slows to play “Lost In Your Eyes,” as Master Warrior takes Miracle Maiden’s hand to pull her close to his chest. “What are you doing?” she asks although she does not resist him.
“Keeping up our cover for the moment,” he relies. “Have you spotted Dragonfly yet?”
“No, but us dancing this close has caused Pike to lose interest in us,” Miracle Maiden whispers in his ear when she notices that Cameron Pike is no longer at the balcony rail. “What is his game?”
“I think I’ve got Dragonfly,” Master Warrior calmly says. “Over at the back of the bar, wearing a gold hoodie.” Master Warrior turns so his back is to the bar allowing Miracle Maiden a better view. “We should split up and come at her from both sides at once.”
“Are you sure splitting up is the right call?” Miracle Maiden questions his plan. “She was foolish to attack us together, I hate to admit it but, if you weren’t there she might have stolen my necklace.”
“Yes, I think she was hurt crashing that window, this might be our best chance of catching her,” Master Warrior explains. “I know it took a lot for you to admit that, but I know we can do this if we work as partners,” Master Warrior whispers as they sway face to face.
It is agreed and they leave the dance floor walking in separate directions to circle the room to the back of the bar. As they move in from either end of the bar to corner their target the woman in the gold hoodie doesn’t even react to their presence.
The couple come up behind their target at the bar, who is wearing without question what is a Dragonfly original. Miracle Maiden takes hold of the woman’s arm to give a jolt of Bio-energy to knock her unconscious. The woman in the gold hoodie falls back against Master Warrior’s chest, her hood falling off. “Shit! this isn’t her!” he exclaims. Master Warrior holds the young woman in his arms upright at the bar. “Can you bring her back around?”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Miracle Maiden replies taking the seat next to the young woman
to help hold her up by putting an arm around her back. “I gave her just enough to knock her out so it shouldn’t last more than fifteen minutes.” She looks to the bar to notice that the young woman has been flagged. “Damn, it might take longer if she has had too much to drink.” Miracle Maiden then realizes something else. “Wait, I have an idea.” Putting her hand to the young woman’s bare leg, Miracle Maiden gives the unconscious woman a healing surge.
“What!” “What is happening?” the young woman exclaims brushing Miracle Maiden’s hand from her leg. “Get off of me you freaks!” pushing them away she gets up to make her way across the back wall away from them.
“Wow, that went wrong fast,” Master Warrior chuckles taken a seat next to Miracle Maiden.
“I guessed that she might have been close to passing out when I got to her, so I just healed her of the alcohol intoxication,” Miracle Maiden explains. “She’s really going to be pissed when she realizes she is totally sober.”
“What can I get you?” the bartender says to them.
“Whatever she was having,” Miracle Maiden says, producing money to buy a round of drinks. “I get the feeling Dragonfly is long gone.”
“Do you mind me asking, where are you carrying money?” Master Warrior says as the bartender brings the drinks. “I’ve got no pockets.”
“Got a pocket in the back of my big gold belt,” she snickers.
“Touche`,” he giggles. “If she is gone it means she knows not to come at us together again.” “We both need to be on the lookout for her.”
“You mean I do,” she replies. “Believe me I have no intention of putting on another Dragonfly original.” “It is embarrassing to think how easily she trapped me.” “Having my powers for so long, I guess I’ve become overconfident in how easy it is to escape a trap.”
“I can relate, a few months back when I got my ass kicked by the Dominator taught me a big lesson,” Master Warrior reminisces as he takes a sip of the drink. “Hey, this is pretty good.” “Have you had your powers your whole life?”
Miracle Maiden takes a pause before answering him, not sure if she should. Then she says, “No, got them at puberty.” “This is good,” she agrees while having a drink.
He chuckles, “Me too,” “If it isn’t hard enough being a teenager, why not throw in super-powers you have to hide from everyone you know.” “I recently found out I wasn’t as good at it as I thought.” “Turns out Supreme Warrior is a childhood friend.”
“That must suck” Miracle Maiden smirks. “Is that the guy you fought at the Museum?” “How did he get powers like that?”
“Yes, he is.” “I’m not completely sure how he got powers, but he was kidnapped by a guy calling himself Dr. Crow and exposed to some strange energy,” Master Warrior explains. Then it strikes him, “Hey have you been reading the papers about me?”
“Hard to avoid Showboat!” she retorts. “I’ve got a reporter on my tail all the time too.” “Unlike you I have never posed for a photo shoot.” “I’ve tried to discourage my reporter, but to tell the truth, I kind of admire his dedication if not where it has been placed.”
“You call two photos, a photo shoot?” Master Warrior quizzes. “You can’t even make out my face.”
“Right like anyone is looking at your face,” Miracle Maiden remarks.
“You really do have a thing for my body, don’t you?” he jokes, making her blush even through her facial distortion.
“Gross,” she mumbles. “I like my men athletic, not muscle bound.”
“I am not muscle bound,” he says defensively. “If you saw me in regular clothes, you wouldn’t even recognize me.” “In fact you already have.” Master Warrior finishes his drink and gets up from the stool. “I’ve got a long trip home, so I’ll be seeing you around.”
Master Warrior exits the club leaving Miracle Maiden sitting at the bar dumbfounded. “Already have?”
Outside the club Master Warrior touches his belt buckle to call out, “Mist!”
Mist’s Palace
The World Charts room
Magic Island
The Bermuda Triangle
Master Warrior is instantly transported to the World Charts room on Magic Island. There is no one around but it is the middle of the night. He assumed this would be the quickest shortcut back to Camp Tandy from Vegas. Standing alone at the rail next to the large replica of Earth he mulls it over again. Everytime he thinks he and Miracle Maiden are getting along she berates him. The most irritating part is that she attacks the way he looks which is something he has little control over. Master Warrior is just a persona, it is not who he really is inside. She of all people should understand that!
“Good Evening, Warrior,” Mist says in his deep voice as he enters the World Charts room. “Can I be of service?”
“The only way to explain it is that I was kidnapped and I need to get back to Camp Tandy in New Jersey before I am missed,” Master Warrior quickly explains.
“Not a problem,” Mist replies with a wave of his hand. A spot on the east coast of the United States glows on the replica of the Earth and Master Warrior vanishes again. As he disappears another arrives, Miracle Maiden.
“Oh Mist, how are you tonight?” Miracle Maiden asks, surprised by his presence in the World Charts room at this late hour.
“I am well, my dear,” he answers. “What brings you here?”
“I’m sorry to intrude but I need a shortcut back to Camp Tandy,” she explains, as did the man before her. “Had a rather unexpected trip this evening.”
“Of course my Dear, glad to assist you,” Mist says. “I hope you were able to make the best of it.”
“In a strange way, I think I did,” Miracle Maiden answers.
A smile on his face Mist waving his hand again. Once both young people are gone, Dragonfly steps out of the shadows. As she walks toward Mist he does not react to her presence. “You have done well, I could feel the hostility between them change to sexual tension.” “Something that will help build on the relationship that develops between them. Dragonfly does not speak as her gossamer wings and dark features melt away. It is Shanna who steps up to stand next to her father to gaze at the large globe that spins in front of them.
“They will expect another attack by Dragonfly,” Shanna says softly.
“There is no reason that should not happen just as they least expect it,” Mist tells his daughter.
“There appears to be another player in our game,” Shanna reveals. “The godling, Cameron Pike.” “I can not decipher his objectives.”
Mist gazes stoically at her, “I am sure his place will have little impact on ours.”
Tuesday, July 5, 1988
Camp Tandy – The Lodge
Glassboro Township
New Jersey
It was a long night and Steve only managed to get about two hours sleep. In a way it is good that he has put an end to all questions about having more than a friend relationship with Miracle Maiden. He isn’t even sure they are even friends at this point. The thing he can’t believe is he was actually starting to fall for his mother’s encouragement.
Heading up the path from the girl’s campsite Sylvia is running on less sleep than Steve having spent most of the night trying to solve Master Warrior’s puzzle. It is still on her mind. Why must men be such a mystery to her? The General, Mr. Zipp and now Master Warrior make her feel she needs to be on her guard at all times. Emerging from the trees she spots Steve walking up from the other side of the clearing. She smiles at him, he is the one man in her life that presents the least distress. He seems to agree with everything she suggests, making it hard not to think of him as perfect.
Both of them change the course of their path to the Lodge to meet in the middle of the lawn. Without so much as a Hello or Good Morning they embrace to kiss passionately. The kiss is more intense than any they have shared before now. It is as if the kiss has true meaning unlike the playful teenage romance kisses they have shared. Neither give a thought to the people watching them from all around. Lorraine Hansen punches her cheating husband Brian in the arm to then storm off into the Lodge. Coach Booth’s first thought is to get the fire hose and cool the both of them off. Coach Barnes spots their show as she walks up from the Hockey field to breathe a sigh of relief at the young couple. Sylvia’s tent mate, Denise Harmon is brought almost to tears as she turns to make a run for the ladies bathhouse. All of the children watching simply howl at the sight of them kissing.
The commotion caused by the children causes them to come up for air just as Coach Booth returns with the fire hose. They stare into one another’s eyes for a minute or so before stepping back. “Well, Good Morning,” Steve says blushing, holding his hands in front of his shorts to hide his arousal at the kiss.
“Yes, yes it is,” Sylvia replies. “No matter how incredible that was, it doesn’t change what we talked about.”
Steve smiles, “Yes, that was incredible, I agree.” “But, I know it doesn’t change our agreement.”
Trying to gather herself Sylvia says, “I was just on my way to speak with Mr. Tennyson, when I saw you.” “I can’t quite remember why.”
“Do you mind if I tag along, it might come back to you,” Steve suggests, not wanting to leave her side quite yet.
“Yes, I would like that,” Sylvia says as they continue the walk to the lodge.
For the life of him, he can not figure out what just happened. Steve knows why he kissed her, he was still feeling insecure about Miracle Maiden implying that he is an exhibitionist. Ever since his fourteenth birthday he had always been proud of his body. But he never went out of his way to flaunt it. Oddly enough Diana had been the only person to ever make him feel self conscious about showing off his body. That might be why he needed that kiss so badly. It let him know that she still found him attractive. But why did she kiss him?
Once they have crossed the large multipurpose room of the Lodge to the short hallway leading to the offices, Steve takes Sylvia’s arm to say, “Wait I need to know, why did you go along with the kiss?”
“I might ask you the same thing,” she replies. “After all, I kissed you.”
Steve smiles the smile that had always made her melt since they were fifteen. “Seems to me it was me who did it and you could have pulled away, but you didn’t.”
There are extra chairs along the wall in the hallway and Sylvia takes a seat. Steve sits down next to her in the quiet space as she begins to explain. “When we first met, I was having a hard time at home as you know.” “Coming here to camp and meeting you was like I stepped out of my real life and into an impossible fantasy.” “It sounds silly now but it was like I was a Disney Princess and you were my Handsome Prince that had saved me from my horrible life.” “I’ve never been good with boys, well men now, you are different somehow, you make me feel different.” “That scares me sometimes.” “I think that is why I keep pushing you away.”
Steve reaches over to take her hand and hold it on her knee. “You don’t need to be scared of me.” “No matter what happens I will always be your friend and therefore whatever you need.” “You just need to call.” “I never want more than you want to give.”
“See that is what I am talking about,” Sylvia says standing up to pull her hand away from him. “You are just too good to be true sometimes.”
“After all you did say I was your Prince Charming,” Steve grins.
“I said Handsome Prince,” she says, stepping over to Mr. Tennyson’s office door. “Now it is more like Prince Doofus.” She stops herself for a minute to look back at him still sitting on the small chair. “I remember what I wanted to talk to Mr. Tennyson about.” “I’m going to go home, my job here is done.” “In fact it was done days ago, I was only staying to spend more time with you.” “I wanted to talk to Mr. Tennyson before I told you because I didn’t know if I could go home if I talked to you first.”
Steve is sad at the thought of her leaving so soon, but he understands. Steve feels that they are parting on much better ground this time. “If that is what you have to do, I understand,” Steve replies. “It’s not like we will never see each other again.”
Sylvia knocks on the door to call out. “Mr Tennyson.” She opens the door, just wanting this conversation k to be over. “Ahh Steve, I think we have a problem.”
Steve stands up to step to the doorway. What he sees is not at all what he expected. Mr. Tennyson hangs by his neck on a thick rope from one of the overhead rafters. “Shit!” Steve exclaims charging into the room to grab the man’s legs to lift him up. “Diana, find something to cut him down!” If anyone else had heard him call her real name her cover would have been blown, but there is no time for that now.
Sylvia rummages through the deck to find a large pair of shears. She jumps straight up onto the desk unseen by Steve as he holds the man aloft. Making a quick cut of the thick rope with the sharp edge of the shears to release the camp owner, Steve lowers him to the floor.
“Do you know CPR?” Steve says in a panic.
“Yes,” Sylvia says, getting down from the desk.
“See if you can bring him around, I need to get Inspector Shaw!” Steve tells her as he races from the office closing the door behind him.
Alone with the man on the floor Sylvia checks him for a pulse. His skin is pale, almost white, his lips blue and he is cold to the touch. Pulling the rope from around his throat she can see that his neck is broken. She has never had the opportunity before to use her healing powers on a man in this state. Looking to the closed door she straightens his neck and places her hands on either side. A pink aura glows around her hands where she touches the man’s skin. In the past when she has healed a person she can feel the Bio-energy within them almost telling her how much it will take to heal them. That connection is almost like a guide to fixing their injury. But she can feel nothing left inside of Mr. Tennyson. He is dead, most likely for hours. His injury is far beyond her power to heal.
Standing up she walks back behind Mr. Tennyson’s desk to find a handwritten note. It is a confession, he admits to being the cause of all of the misdeeds that happened with the boys at the camp over the many decades. After going into some detail of what he had done to so many innocent young boys there is a list of names. Sylvia quickly skims the list hoping not to find Steve’s name, she breathes a sigh of relief when she does not. But there are other names she recognizes. Boys from both the summer she spent at Camp Tandy and boys who have been here this summer. One of the names is Gary Rogers. Just as she begins to wonder how much Steve did know about all of this, he returns to the office with Inspector Shaw.
“How did this happen?” Inspector Shaw demands.
“I’m sorry there was nothing I could do for him,” Sylvia says. “He has probably been dead for three or more hours.”
Shaw moves in to get a closer look at the body on the floor asking, “Are you a Medical Examiner now, Miss Banks?”
Steve stands over Shaw looking down at the corpse for any sign that the Satyr Ramo had anything to do with Mr. Tennyson’s death. On the surface he sees nothing.
“No, but I’ve seen enough dead bodies to know that blue lips and skin color are a sign of Hypostasis that takes about an hour to set in,” Sylvia tells the Inspector. “Not to mention he is at room temperature.” “I would guess this explains why he did it.” She hands Mr. Tennyson’s handwritten confession to Steve.
Steve reads over the whole letter before Inspector Shaw grabs it away. “Did you read this?” Steve asks Sylvia, who simply nods her head.
“Okay you two need to go,” Shaw tells them. “I need to call this in, but don’t go far.”
Just then Coach Booth bursts into the office, “What is going on here?” he announces. “What the hell!” he shouts at the sight of the man on the floor and the cut off rope dangling from the rafter.
Shaw tries to charroll the three witnesses to get them out of the office. “You all need to go now while I handle this.”
“I’m not going anywhere!” Coach Booth announces as Steve takes Sylvia’s hand to guide her out of the room.
Camp Tandy – The Fire Pit
Glassboro Township
New Jersey
Sylvia sits down silently next to Steve on a bench at the fire pit. It has been a long strange day. Steve and the other chaperons have spent the majority of the day calling the parents of campers to inform them that the camp will be closing early. Coach Booth has just finished his announcement that everyone will be going home tomorrow. Most of the children look disappointed in the thought that they will be going home early. The children have not been told what has happened to end their summer camp early.
“Did you know what was happening to Gary?” Sylvia says in a low voice.
“Not until a few days ago,” Steve replies in the same low tone. “He claims what happened here was consensual.” “What Coach Denmark did with him, he did willingly.”
“Is that why he was so angry with you at the club before Wayne’s wedding?” she asks.
“Part of it, he feels I betrayed him,” Steve says, hanging his head. “Apparently his father was abusive to him as well.” “I had no idea about any of it and he thinks I did.”
Sylvia puts her arm around him to say, “I’m so sorry.” “Is there anything you think you can do to help him?”
“I don’t know?” Steve says sadly. “It is much worse than I imagined.” With everything going on these past weeks it seems like forever ago that he learned that Supreme Warrior is really Gary.
Once the sun sets the sing-a-long begins. Steve and Diana giggle to themselves as they sing remembering all of the time they spent together at camp over the last few weeks. Steve puts his arm around Sylvia’s shoulder. “I’ve really enjoyed this time I spent with you here,” Steve says. “But I think there is something we should talk about after the fire.”
“I agree,” Sylvia says to him, appearing rather upset. She lays her head on his shoulder not wanting this night to end.
Camp Tandy – The Lodge
Glassboro Township
New Jersey
The staff at the camp has spent most of the day keeping the campers away from the Lodge. Now that the State police have departed it has been reopened. Steve and Sylvia sit at a table in the kitchen alone. Steve tries to make the first move to begin the conversation he is hating to have with this beautiful woman. “I…” Steve begins.
“No,” Sylvia says, putting her finger to his lips. “Let me.” She looks almost teary eyed. “I think I know why you agree to not let this go beyond being friends.” “I know it is because you have a girl-friend.” “I saw you with her yesterday.”
“Girlfriend?” Steve repeats. Then when he realizes what she saw he laughs, “That was my Mom, well Stepmother.”
“That smoking hot chick with her hands all over you was your step-mother?” Sylvia exclaims. “That is hard to believe.”
“My Dad married younger the second time,” Steve says, feeling like his nose is growing. “She’s just kinda touchy, feely is all.” “Believe me when I say she is the farthest thing from my girlfriend.” “What I wanted to say is I would still like to talk to you regularly.”
“I would like that too,” Sylvia smiles. “Seeing you once in a while too, wouldn’t be so bad either.”